Help Our Readers

This is a shoutout to all teachers, students, and former students of ICSE. We will be regularly updating this page with a list of the various topics for which our readers have been requesting notes and study material and for which we need YOUR help.

Here, we are asking you to help us fulfill their requests. Take a few minutes to go through this list and if there is any way in which you think you can contribute, do drop by our “Share Your Notes!” page and leave us a message. We’ll be delighted to get in touch with you.

Thank you, and much love. ❤


What Our Readers Want:

  1. Geography:
  2. History: 
    • Chapter-wise List of Important Keywords – Help Joyce!
  3. Chemistry:
  4. Physics:
  5. Biology:
  6. Mathematics:
  7. Computer Applications:
  8. English Literature:
  9. Commerce:
    • Any kind of help will do!


As mentioned, we’ll keep updating this page. Stay connected!


Note to Our Readers: If don’t see the topic of your choice here, let us know in the Comments section below!

20 thoughts on “Help Our Readers

  1. debolin says:

    can you please post notes on energy and mineral resources . it is urgently needed . please do post as soon as possible .it will be helpful. thank you

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Neha says:

    Can you please even post some questions for practice on TECHNICAL DRAWING APPLICATIONS? It will be appreciated some questions on the CLASS 10 syllabus?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. shashidharybhat says:

    Hi, There, This is shashidhar.You’re doing a great job by taking this initiative.

    It would be a great help to me if you could include some 2nd language Sanskrit notes and essays and some notes on chemistry mole concepts and stoichiometry.

    Thank you for helping me prepare for my exams.

    Liked by 1 person

    • ICSE Helper says:

      Hi Shashidhar,

      Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to leave behind your feedback. We appreciate it!

      We will try to include notes for Sanskrit, Mole Concept and Stoichiometry for the 2019 Board Exams.

      Are you a current tenth grade student, or will you be giving the exams next year? We hope to hear from you and look forward to fulfilling your requests.


      • ICSE Helper says:

        In that case, we will not be able to help you in time for your exams. However, we have kept your suggestions in mind for future students of ICSE and fellow readers of the blog. Apologies, and thank you once again for the feedback.

        All the best for your exams! Let us know if there is any other way in which we can help.


    • ICSE Helper says:

      Hi there!

      We are on it. It’s one of our top priorities. We won’t promise the exact time when the notes will be uploaded, but we’ll be starting with Commerce. Thank you so much for your patience. Indebted to readers such as you!


    • ICSE Helper says:

      Hi there!

      Thank you for the kind words, Sujaya! It is a pleasure to help fellow students such as you. 🙂

      Do share this page with your seniors and teachers. Hopefully, someone will come forward and contribute the required notes!


  4. abstractthoughtsandeccentricities says:

    I am actually a Class 9 student, but this time our assignment in Computer Application includes some class 10 concepts (specifically Functions and Methods)
    I have a book with the solved board examples but it is not much help when I only have a basic understanding of the syntax. It would be really helpful if somebody could send notes, or a link to where I could get an explanation. Our teacher said that part of the assignment is not compulsory, but it would be a great help in the future if I could do it now and I would find it easier in class 10 if I knew the basics.

    Thanks so much! Also, I really love this page, I think it is a great help to board exam students! And students in general, of course.


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