
Your positivity, kind words, and feedback make our day and motivate us to keep this platform running and updated with new and improved content at every chance we get.

We would like to thank you, our readers, for taking the time to leave comments and spreading the word about our free platform dedicated to all ICSE Class 10 students. 🙂

If you feel that Helpline for ICSE Students (Class 10) has helped you during your tenth grade, do share your feedback and comments via our Contact Us form in the Menu. We look forward to sharing your testimonial here.

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Anwesha Guha’s post as shared on Google+

Anwesha Guha


Riday Shah’s post as shared on Google+

Riday Shah


Pranshu Yadav

Nikunj Agarwal



Juhi Srivastava



Abhirup Chakraborty




Sanjeev Nalavde