All the best, ICSE Batch of 2019!

A quick post to say what I’ve been saying all this while:

  1. Everyone’s ability differs. Do YOUR BEST.
  2. Don’t you dare give up now. “Be stronger than your strongest excuse.”
  3. Stay away from negative thoughts, people, posts, etc.
  4. Believe in yourself, your hard work and efforts that you’ve put in throughout the year.
  5. Don’t think that you’ll forget something, etc. (No negativity) You’ve studied it, you’ll remember it. Have faith.
  6. When you walk into that exam hall, I want you to have a smile on your face, knowing that you’ve done your best and will continue to give your best during the exam; and that that itself is enough.
  7. Be proud of yourself. You’ve put in a lot to just reach here.
  8. Stay strong, stay positive.
  9. Control your mind, and you control the result. Positive thoughts, always.
  10. You are an amazing human being. I don’t know you personally, but you are capable of so much more than you can imagine. If, by chance, this exam or any exam in life doesn’t go the way you’d want or expect it to, remember, it is after all, just an exam. One exam doesn’t hold the power to define you for the rest of your life. So, that smile? Don’t let it falter.


All right, that’s pretty much all I have to say at the moment. Let me know how you felt the board exams are – I’m sure you’ll reply saying that they aren’t really all that scary. 🙂

Love and prayers for you all!

Best wishes,

ICSE Helper.

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